Discussion 2: "Homeschooling"

Dear all 👋,

In countries where the virus 🆘 is active, schools have been shut down and children are at home, learning alongside their parents or through online education portals.  To control and prevent schools had to shutter and this requires alternate forms of teaching and learning outside the conventional classroom. According to the Times News, Coronavirus could lead to “a vast unplanned experiment in mass home-schooling.”

Leave your opinions and comments on homeschooling below with your name and class 💪💛👋

Image result for homeschooling


  1. Homeschooling means you study at home and at the end of the year you make your exams. This is different to a Virtual School as we are having now because of the COVID-19. I think that i don´t like the idea of having homeschooling because all my grades would be defined by one exam. What I could be ready to do is to be in a virtual school like the one we are having today with teachers and a group of students. Not completely alone.

    Robert Valiente 3ero Medio A

    1. Good opinion, Roberto. It is true that homeschooling isn't for everybody and sometimes you lose part of the process when you are alone. I'm glad to know that you like the idea of having online sessions where you can interact and learn from home but collectively and not solitarily.

      Nice use of English, by the way.
      Miss Carla

    2. i think that these process is going to make bigger the injustices that are alredy present in the chilean education.


  2. I personally like homeschool, but not in the way to send so many jobs and they are very long and complicated, I don't like it because I don't learn and I get stressed because they don't teach us what work is about and we have to investigate it, and that It is not homeschool, but I find the zoom classes and exercise activities a good system.
    Javiera Castillo

  3. I think that the homeschooling is a good way to learn, considering we don't go to school, but i do not agree with the school overload, i think is an abuse from the school, that make us get stressed and finally, we don't learn nothing and that's not the idea, even though that the zoom classes is a good way to communicate us and to answer our questions but even so i'm disappointed with how the school is taking this.
    Manuela Peña

  4. I think Homeschooling is a great thing to do, the students how have been there for years learn a lot. However, the Virtual School we are doing right now, it’s not so great because we don’t know how to do it. And is ok. All the students of La Girouette don’t know how Homeschooling works, so we don’t know how to organize our homework. We can be stress or we can take this like a holiday and do nothing.
    -Valentina Castro 4°MA

  5. I think Homeschooling is a bad form to learn and study. I think is harder to do the homework and guides because is harder to understand what the teacher wants. Nobody in La Girouette knew how it work, teachers and students are complicated with this system. Everyone is stressed and tired. Finally, I think is better system the "normal" lessons and i think it is better to finish as soon as possible.

    Manuel Moure Úbeda-4MB

  6. I think that homeschooling is one of the many ways of learning, many people practice it and it has its benefits. But compared to what we are experiencing today is different. Educational establishments are adapting to the situation to continue their classes online. I believe it is a good solution but from another view it has its complications, since it is the first time that we are all living something like this. At home we have many distractions, and if you also add a lot of work and what we are feeling about this, it can be very stressful. Here in Chile, it happens that many establishments are teaching online in order to make money worth and not for their students to learn, and I think that is hurting many people, in fact there is a large percentage of people who cannot access to internet.
    Luar Yáñez 4° MA

  7. I think that homeschooling is a good challenge for every student because each one has much more responsibility on his duties and also the time that each one spends doing homework depends on the good use of it. Although when there is no communication between teachers and they send a lot of homework at the same time, students may feel overwhelmed due to academic overload.

    Matías Ortiz 4°MB


  8. I consider that homeschooling is a very good option in our day to day because of the situation we face as a country. Many people take homeschooling as a very good option and decide not to send their children to school. doing the same and I consider it very pleasant to study in another way and in another place that is not a classroom with a uniform and many people in the same room.
    Renata Arriagada 2 MA

  9. I believe that homeschooling, the way we are doing it, it has many implications. It’s confusing for both students and teachers and it lacks of organization, especially when it comes to a learning process that is not face-to-face, since overload occurs. This doesn’t happen in the normal school, because it is likely that if a teacher sees that we haven’t finished or that we are going slow, he would delay the deadline, but since in this system this doesn’t happen, we have the obligation to comply, even if we overload ourselves, beside, that at home the work climate is different so it's probable that we work slower.
    Rosario Gaete
    3ro MA

  10. I think homeschooling has it's pros and cons, because being at home, we can get up later, wear what we want, eat whenever we want and it's pretty cool to change the way we usually learn. But we don't get to see our freinds and for me it´s much easier to learn being at school.
    Francisca Irazoqui
    3°Medio B

  11. I think there is a big problem with the system we are having now, We are spending way too much time in front of screens, doing homeworks or in online meetings. Personally, I've started to feel the effects of that, I get eye fatigue very quickly now and my retinal persistence lasts longer than usual. There are friends of mine who are getting headaches more often. Maybe the teachers could design homeworks that requiere being less time in front of screen, or simply less work.
    José Manuel Castro

  12. I think homeschooling is a thing were I can't say it's bad or good as there are many things that variate between person to person, as for me I know that I wouldn't want want be homeschooled not as much for the academic part (I think I would be fine with that) but for the social part, in the lasts weeks I've realised that I really need the space to interact with people and where I do that the most is in school but that's only a personal opinion I think in no case my experience can be taken to say if homeschooling is an efective way to educate.

    Tania Aguilera


    1. Very good comment. Use fewer commas and more stops, Tania

      WHICH for something / vary efFective

  13. In my opinion, homescholing can be very good and effective , but only when you have been doing it for a long time with teachers trained for that. In our case, change the whole system and our rutine, it´s something very difficult to do, so the organization isn´t very well. Also the stress that we are living doesn´t help. In addition, I can say that I have learned very few things during the quarantine. The anxiety of doing everything on time is a lot, in my case, I don´t even have time to do other activities to relax. Nonetheless, I still think that everything will get better over time and maybe become a good new system to learn.

    Antonia Madrid 4° MB

  14. I think h0me schooling is great, I like being at home and learn, I can choose my time to develop any asignaure and is the best option in this covid-19 moment. I would perefer that shcools take it easy with the "homework".
    Gabriel Valenzuela

  15. I believe that homeschooling it's a good way to learn and to get ahead with this whole situation, but it is difficult for a person who has never had this system because it is not the same as the traditional one. I also consider that the school is sending us long jobs that we don't know how to do and we get stressed a lot.

    Tomas Vidal 2° MA

  16. In my opinion, online schooling has a great potential to become an excellent way of learning and teaching, but it has to be implemented with time and organization. The problem is that because of the pandemic things happened really fast, schools and teachers didn’t have enough time to adapt and organize activities and classes. This led to a bad distribution of the Schedule for the delivery of the assignments. We can’t blame teachers nor the school, because this took everyone by surprise, even us students, so it’s hard to demand things to be perfect, when this is a new situation for everyone. As time goes by, I’m sure it will improve. I also think it’s important to not overload students with worksheets and homework, because they might get anxious and overwhelmed with all the occurrences that are happening nowadays.
    Benjamín Solís 4ºMB

    1. Great and empathetic opinion, Benjamín!
      I agree, it took all of us by surprise.

  17. The first time I heard that we were gonna have online classes it was like: there is no way this will work, but over time if it has worked, I would say that within the expected if it has worked, it si not the most confortable way to study but this is the only option. But i dont know if this way is the best for our country, I mean for us it has worked because we go to a private school and the most of us has computers with internet and comfortability to study, but in public schools not all of the students has computers, even there is people who dont even has internet and they are losing a lot of college and classes.

    Raimundo Castro 2 Medio

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. In my opinion, home-schooling may be a good way to study, but the sudden change in routine makes not everyone feel comfortable with this. Also, the homework that the school sends us is very long and they don’t explain too much what to do or what is the work about (In some cases). However, with time we are going to get used to this kind of class.

    Juan Pablo Saavedra 2 MA

  20. I don't like home schooling because I have a hard time concentrating on zoom classes and it’s important for me to feel present in a class and it doesn’t happen to me when I’m looking at the teacher from a computer. It also happens to me that there are guides that have turned longer than I thought and that adds stress to this situation that is already stressful in itself.
    - Elisa Dib. 3 Medio B

  21. I don't like homeschooling because is very stressful when I have to send all the handouts for the same day. When we have zoom classes I feel more confortable because I can ask all my questions to the teacher.

  22. I don't like homeschooling because is very stressful when I have to send all the handouts for the same day. But when we have zoom classes I feel more confortable because I can ask all my questions to the teacher.
    Camila Marchant 3MB

  23. I really hate homeschooling is very difficult because you have no contact with the teachers and it is more difficult to ask them questions. It is also very boring because you are not with your colleagues.
    Martín Aguirre 2MB

  24. I don´t like homeschooling because its dificult to comunicate and get a feedback of our teachers, but we don´t have more options because the situation of our country and of the other countries are complicated and we have to adapt us to this new lifestyle and hope that it doesn´t last long

  25. I believe that homeschool is less efficient because the students don’t learn well on their own. In my opinion I don’t like it because I don’t know how to organize my time, and I end up doing everything at the last minute.
    Ignacia Borne-3MA


  26. I think that doing homeschool is a good way to study in this situation but it is a little difficult to do because you have to organize yourself very well and know well what to do and how to do it.
    Amanda Galté 2MB

  27. I agree that this pandemic reveals the true results of working at home, because as there are no other options, all children in the world will have to adapt. Perhaps some will not be able to adapt as easily or perhaps never, but others may even prefer this modality. It all depends on the way the students learn. This will serve in the future in families when deciding if they prefer homeschooling or school so it seems to me a very important change.
    Laura Swaneck 3MA

  28. I think that what we are seeing with this phenomenon of home schooling just goes to show our hability for adapting to our environment. We managed to adapt enough so we could still continue our process of learning, but this is not something that can be developped with complete success in the future, in my opinion, and here's why. Our oportunity to a functional home-based schooling is solely linked to our resources, meaning that kids that don't have computers, cellphones, or wi-fi conection, would have an even greater disadvantage in comparison to us. The breach would open even more, and it wouldn't solve anything. That's why i consider this to be a temporary solution given the circumstances, until things go back to normal and we can focus on realy changing our education.

    Diego Salazar, 4MA.

    1. You are completely right, Diego!
      Another reason to be aware of our privileges.

      Ability / oPportunity

  29. With the effects of the pandemic, the homeschooling is the only way to continue educating the society, especially the students in school, highschool and university. I think it isn't the best way to educate someone, because the feedback between the student and the teacher isn't as good as teaching in person. And it can be difficult to have a great and fluid class througth internet cause of the connection and the quality of the devices of each student. Also not everybody has a computer to use for itself to work, and study; and even less a good connection. Continuing, the students are persons that need the interaction with others. And the best way to give them opportunities to interact, to resolve problems and grow up to define themselves, is the school. Much better since a young age. But on the other hand, as News Times said, this situation of homeschooling could give a definitive answer for the debate of homeschooling versus traditional schooling.

    Ignacio Navia 4to Medio A

    1. Great comment, Ignacio!
      As usual, I will send my comments to your mail as you chose!!

  30. I don't like homeschooling because jobs are much more difficult and teachers and students are not used to working online, but I really like working in pijamas xD

    Pascual Vera 1MA

  31. Online classes do not displease me as I have a good space to be focused on them, what I do not end up liking are the jobs since sometimes I do not have the necessary materials to do all.

  32. Personally i like the idea of homeschool as a solution for the crisis that we are currently living, i really like work by my own times, and even though we have zooms i can organize my day on a way that i can decide the hours that I have, to do the assignments, before the vacations i was a little stressed because of the big amount of homework given by the teachers, but now i think that our school noticed that its important to take care of the mental health of the students and are more relaxed, so im pretty happy with it.

    Elisa Palma
    level a, 11 grade

    1. Great comment, Elisa! Well-done!

      To have my work timetable / IN a way / it´s / I´m

  33. I personally think that face to face classes are better than online classes, because they allow you to connect way better with your teachers and the contents they teach. But we are in a context really complicated and I’m grateful that we can keep learning even though is not face to face. I can’t complain because there are people that doesn’t have the privileges that we have and have to go outside everyday with the risk of getting the virus. In conclusion i really hope we get out of this soon, but in the meantime i think online classes are a good way to keep learning.
    Matilde Fortuño, 11th grade level A

    1. Excellent comment and conclusion, Matilde!

      in a really complicated context / It is not face... / people DON´T / I

  34. I personally think that home schooling as we have been doing I like in some ways, I like being able to order my schedules and times to do what I like, but I do not like not being able to interact well in classes, ask questions, talk to my friends etc. I think it works for some things but the truth has been a bit difficult for me in some things.
    Amanda Morales 1° A

  35. I prefer face to face classes because I think we move faster than with online classes and it's easier to communicate with the teacher and to share with my classmates, also is harder for me to focus when I'm at home and alone. But I understand online classes is the only way we can study right now so I'm grateful for it.
    Consuelo Iturriaga, 1ero medio B

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. As the New Times says, this a new experiment that nobody saw it comming, my opinion of this topic, is more critical, because, atleast at our country, it's impossible to all the students in Chile have greats conditions for doing homeshool. There is a lot of inequality, and we are privileged of having a good environment for study. But it's also true that it's the only way. I would have prefered the governement could have prepared more in detail the whole situation, because I think the "vacations" that we have, shouldn't have been. We couldn't get used to, now we have to try to get used to again, and for me, it's a hard mentally work all this situation, but I am thankfull with the school for not overload us with academic stuff.


    1. Very good and complete opinion, Marti!

      Use fewer commas and more stops
      coming / in a country / impossible for / great / for studying / government
      vacation that we had / thankful / not overloading

  38. I think homeschooling is necessary in these times and it has been very useful for us to keep busy and continue learning. Even so I think this modality will never resemble to normal classes, there are many learnings that are impossible to implement from home, such as socialization. In any case, I appreciate the efforts made by the school and education in general to adapt to what we are living.
    I also believe that unfortunately this situation increases the inequalities that we have as a society, because there are students and establishments that do not have the resources or the spaces to access to a good education in these conditions.
    Romano Kottow, 4MA

    1. Very good comment, Romano. Glad you appreciate all the effort behind the lessons.

      Even THOUGH

  39. The sudden expansion of the pandemic did not only surprise education, but every other aspect of society, especially economy and healthcare. Because of that not a single country in the world was prepared for this in any way so it hit all of us hard. We can't ask teachers and schools to prepare the best and perfect classes for us; it's very hard for most teachers to get used to it so we have to give our best efforts to help have good and efficient classes. I personally don't like our online classes because I feel our classes aren't efficient in terms of learning, but I'm sure they'll get better with time.
    It's very important to emphasize that this online classes are a privilege we have, and specially in not-so-developed countries like Chile and the majority of Latin american countries most of the population can't access to this kind of education and probably aren't getting any education at all at this times.

    Tomás Wityk 3° M A

    1. Great comment, Tomás! Although I think that you ARE learning English. I´m doing my best to cover all the content. Unfortunately, you are not having the same amount of practice.

  40. Homeschooling is another way of learning and it works well, but due to the pandemic we had to change our way of learning very suddenly, Educational establishments are adapting to the situation to continue their classes online, and that has their complications like not having contact with the teachers or not everyone has the tools to have online classes. I think it is a good measure for those who have money, this measure reflects the social problems that Chile has. For this measure to be good, the State must give internet and computers to everyone who does not have access to them.

    Personally, I like to have virtual classes, because I have more time, I organize myself better and I have more time to sleep. However, I feel that I do not learn the same as in face to face classes.
    Antonia Muñoz, 3 MA.

  41. I think that its very different a home schooling system from online classes that try to adapt from the classroom. Homeschooling Its an alternative system that its very helpfull for the reality of some children, its organized , has other ways to socialize, etc. On the other side It might be interesting to see if after this pandemic more parents will choose to homeschool their children, but because of the consecuences of isolation i dont see that very possible. Talking now about online classes, it has been very dificult, since its improvised, and completely different. Lacking company and support to learn we are used to its hard for the students and teachers, and I know the effort they have made and appreciate it deeply . Even tho I have good access to a computer , internet and a good place to work, I know that its not something I would choose if I could. When this crisis ends, we willl see education gaps between private and public svhool stuents even bigger. And I would hope that people in charge will take the oportunity, put the children first and really rethink this standardized education we have. If this was a discussion before, now its urgent.


  42. Usually when people critique homeschooling, they say it’s because they believe that kids need to interact with other kids. To be honest, I get their point since I’d say I’ve learned from the experience of going to school as much as I have learned from the school itself. However, there must be a way in which parents manage to introduce their kids to social environments and make them interact with others, play dates, going to the park, encouraging them to do sports, etc. Taking that into consideration I’d say that homeschooling is a valid method of going through an educational journey.
    That being said, I must say that those kid’s experience is very different from what we’re living today.
    A kid that has been homeschooled all their life, knows how to manage their time and handle everything else adequately. Us, on the other hand, we don’t have that experience. It’s like we stumbled upon homeschooling as we were trying to make our way to graduation. And now we have to make do with what we have because, as many people here have said, this is no one’s fault.


  43. Honestly, I think that studying at home is the only way to move forward with academic content, however, I think it is unfair that we are overloaded with the amount of homework we have at the moment, it can be very stressful. It scares me that I might be wasting my time, and that this will not be useful for the PSU and the future, but to be honest, I really appreciate the effort that the teachers are making. -Martina Serrano

  44. Home-schooling might be a got option, it really depends on the family and what they believe. but in my opinion, it wouldn’t be the best option, I don’t think is healthy for the children’s mental health and their preparation for the real world.
    Home-schooling might work for learning, but it doesn’t work for socialising. It’s very likely that the children who has been educated with that system ends up with a lot of problems to make friends and for adapting in a different life style -Greta Berger, 2º medio A.

  45. In my opiniom, Home-Schooling is a new way of teaching and learning for all of us, in all the word, so that means that it is a new sistem that is still developing. This means that today, in most of the cases, it doesn't works at all, principally because the most part of the students doesnt have a good acces or even dont have the way enter to the internet or to a cellphone, etc.
    But for the students that have the privilege of having a good acces to internet it works good in general but it also have problems, principally with the disconection that exists with the teacher and the student.

  46. Homeschooling is one kind of learning method people use and like everything it has advantages and disadvantages. Still, we cannot compare the effectiveness of homeschooling with traditional education. Especially with this kind of global picture, where almost every country is experiencing this "new" way to educate. Every student has a completely different way of learning and homeschooling may work for some of them and perhaps not for others. Also, it can be applied to students who have Internet access. At least here in Chile, many students do not have a computer, an internet connection, etc. That means they are not being educated during this complex global situation, and I think the government is not giving them enough help so they can have their right to education.
    Guadalupe Sepúlveda 4MA

  47. The corona-crisis came out of the nowhere to change our whole form of living our life in many ways. So like mankind did many times before, we must adaptate to the circunstances. It is that for that this homeschooling thing is so intersting, it is a very big coincidence that the corona-crisis happened just in this time were we are so technologically advanced that we can do homeschooling. I think the most interesting thing is to imagine this same scene without the Internet. I think we actually are lucky that there is some way to replace the school in some way because if this whole thing had been happened a few years ago it would be much worse.

  48. In my opinion, the online classes have obviously been less effective to learn contents than classroom classes, although it shows that the teachers have been working on it, to make online work more enjoyable and useful. The way the app "Zoom"is used is very good, and although it is hard to keep myself focused, at least I get the feel that we are making progress as a class to learn how to gain knowledge and practice English through a screen. This crisis could have been made things far more difficult without online working, so it is great that teachers could adapt themselves to it.

  49. In my opinion, this pandemic came so suddenly, that no one had the time to prepare, the schools had no time to adapt to this new way of teaching through online classes. At the beginning it was difficult to all of us, but slowly we began to discover how to get the most out of this new ways. But still, this goes only for private schools, or schools with enough resources, there are plenty of schools that can’t work through online classes, because the students don't have computers or internet, and because of that, unfortunately, they are falling behind with the school program, and not being able to learn.
    -Gabi Ochoa

  50. In my opinion, classes at home, for our country, is a very segregating solution since the provission of computer and internet is not for everyone so the conditions in wich childrean receive the classes are very inequal.
    José Parraguez, 4B

  51. I think that home-schooling is not as effective as real school because for kids and teenagers is easier to focus when they are in the classrooms therefore they learn better and the teacher has a better management on the students. Also, being in quarantine can be really stressful and adapting to a new way of learning can add to that stress, especially if they don’t have access to internet or a computer like is the case of many students in Chile.

    Antonia Rebolledo, 3B

  52. Homeschooling is a good alternative when there is commitment both from the parents and the child who is going to be homeschooled. That said, personalized learning methods based in the interests, strengths and weaknesses of this one should be more successful but will only work with the adequate supervision. So, I think homeschooling is not for everyone, just for the ones that really can and are fully committed with this initiative. If we analyse this instance in light of the pandemic, I personally believe that changing a structure from an institution to our homes will be stressing, and in many cases, will not work.
    -Francisca Bustamante IIIºA


  53. Subject that has been around for many years, but most talked about in recent years, and being obligatory implemented in the current times. I have mixed opinions about the idea, seeing it has its pros and cons. But if I’m going to name those I feel the need to differentiate between the traditionally called homeschooling and the one we are doing. The first one usually consisted on the parents replacing the role of teachers and teaching their kids at home, while what we do is attending to online classes with the same teachers from our schools. But considering our situation I’ll be talking about the second kind. First I want to start with the downsides because even if they’re don’t overpass the advantages they’re the first ones to come to mind personally. I feel it’s really easy to get distracted while homeschooling, because while you’re in school you’re seated and you have to be paying attention otherwise they’ll probably scold you, but when you’re at home is easier to not be paying attention without the teachers actually knowing it. But it’s also easier to get distracted by the many things that are with you, like your phone. Another thing I can think about is the lack of social interaction with my peers, which is pretty necessary and thanks to school I can do that almost every day of the week.But still there are good things. The schedule is way more flexible, and it leaves the students way more free time to do rest and do other things. You can also learn at your own pace and adapt the things your teachers are giving you to your own individual needs. With all of this said I can’t really conclude if homeschooling is the best or worse option for learning, just that its giving us the students the opportunity to keep learning and the teachers to keep teaching which more than enough in a situation like this.
    Catalina Pinedo 4MA

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I think homeschooling is a new and different way for us to study. It is an opportunity to learn new things we don’t usually practice, like the use of technologies and time management, as well as autonomy, because we face problems without a teacher in front of us in the classroom so we are forced to find new alternative solutions. Nevertheless, I think a big part of our school process are the relationships and knowledge we get from our partners, not only from teachers. Sadly, this important part is missing from homeschooling as it is, in my opinion, a lonely way to study and learn. Isidora Parr 3MA

  56. I think this strange and scary situation we're going through has given us a big opportunity to experiment with new ways of learning. Even though I personally prefer real classes rather than online classes, I've realized once again how lucky we are to continue learning, to have teachers that are happy to continue teaching and to have the resources that allow us to connect to the meetings. So I think online school is not the best option for learning but it is the only choice we have right now and we need to be thankful that we are able to continue our courses because a lot of people can't do that.

    Caterina Silva 4mB

  57. I think this situation of uncertainty has shown us that there are ways to educate people other than school. I have to admit that I prefer face to face classes but anyway, I never thought that the model of homeschooling our school was trying to implement would work. I´m really surprised because I discovered that home schooling can work, and it uses way less time than face to face school. I can wake up hours latter and just have 2 classes per day. Then I have to work on assignments for a few hours and then I'm free to do whatever I want to. If we mix this schooling model with a world where there was no pandemic, I could use those extra hours to go to sport practices, learn a new skill or anything I could possibly want to. It sounds awesome, doesn't it?
    Anyway, i think homeschooling is a model that requires more discipline and work ethics. You are teaching yourself and you can do things whenever you want to, so you have to be committed and work as hard as you can. And even though I think all of us could be able to do that, I would miss the social part of school, and that is something I can't find a way to replace.

    Santiago Salas 3mB

  58. Indeed, it is an unexpected experiment. The technologie we have today allows us to do homeschool, but not everyone has the same access to technologie we do. Lots of students around the world aren't learning anything right now because they don´t share our privileges. Even if you have access to internet and a computer/laptop/cellphone, your house environment is probably not ideal for working. Schools and universities are doing the best they can, and it is very important that they understand (and we all understand) that this are not normal circumstances, so we can't expect the same performance we use to. We need to be more human and empathic than ever before. In physical school and work, we can focus and be students/workers and nothing else, but this shows us that we are more than just that, we are students, workers, parents, children, friends, siblings. I can learn from mi house, I can homeschool, but I won't pretend that while doing that I'm not cleaning, washing the dishes, doing the launderie, or that I am emotionaly able to pay full atention in class.
    Leo Ledgard 3mA

  59. Since I am not informed in homeschooling, I am going to tell about what I think about this virtual schooling.
    For a person who has been going to school until this specific crisis, I have not had the best time adapting. Of course, I am a privileged person who has access to a computer and a stable internet connection, between many other privileges. But my attention span while studying at home is noticeably smaller than when I'm at school. This may be related on how I'm used to do my schoolwork at school and struggle to achieve anything productive outside school. Despite my hard time getting work done, I still manage to complete the assignments given throughout the quarantine. I think people who are homeschooled would struggle less in this situation. And for people who aren't used to work at home or have problems at getting the assignments done, I would like the absence of the threat of a bad mark since we are in a crisis and are trying to learn in spite of the stupidity and cruelty of the people in charge of this government.
    Hope you have a nice day.

    Santiago Leiva 4º Medio

  60. I am not a fan of homeschooling, specially in my last school year. Not only because of educational reasons, but because I miss my class mates, thinking I wont be seeing them next year breaks my heart. On other side, even tho I think teachers are doing a great job in this situation, I think I would be learning more and faster in regular classes. I am having a little bit of trouble to find discipline, and to study the same amount of time I would be studying in school, but I am slowly getting used to it and organizing my time. Is also important to keep in mind that not everyone has access to a computer or internet, so I am very great full for continuing learning.

    Magdalena Ochoa 4° medio A

  61. In my opinion, online classes are the best way to study at this time thanks to this situation since if we do not have online classes we would lose the year. even though, I think that online classes have some problems because i think is difficult to socialize with our friends and teachers. Another problem is the lack of experience of the teachers and the lack of elements to work, since that makes the class more complicated. At least the school has been concerned with lowering the level of homework, and they are concerned that we are well and that we are not stressed. I'd rather have online classes than online work, it's easier for me and I can understand the teacher.

  62. Personally i do not like homeschooling, i think it’s very important for kids to work alongside other kids to create teamwork and to develop social skills as well as having a teacher. But in these times of coronavirus i think it’s the best way of learning since we cannot leave our houses, but as i said, overall i don’t like homeschooling, i do just if it’s temporary like in this situation. On the other hand we have online school the method that is being used by our school, and of lot of others, i think online school it’s alright, it can be difficult to manage the amount of work that is being given to the students, but it is a great solution and i personally like it, obviously not as much as going to the actual school but in times of quarantine it’s ok.
    Daniel Zepeda 3° medio B

  63. I generally don't support homeschooling, i think interactions between people are really important for personal development, especially in the early stages of life. However, becaause of the situation of our country and the world i understand why these extreme measures have been taken. I think it's the riht choice and i support it, but i don't like it. I really miss my classmates and my friends and sometimes i find myself wanting to meet my friends in real life, not through a screen or microphone. On the subject of learning and teaching i think everyone is doing a good job, the teachers are working relentlessly and doing their best, i really apreciate that, but it is still harder for us to learn this way than it was at school.
    I hope things get back to normal soon.
    Pedro Bize 4°MA

  64. I think quarantine offers an opportunity for many families and schools to try a homeschooling method. That has both a good and a bad side. The good one is that it can lead to a future mixing of the school and online teaching system, which could help kids who live in dangerous areas or who are sick. But the bad thing is that as it is unplanned, things could go very wrong in this school year, and people could develop a fear of online classes, which is something that could delay any attempt of turning our teaching system into one that is more home based.
    Martín Guzmán, 4ºMA

  65. I think it´s great that at some schools the students have the chance to keep learning at home in spite of the social distancing, by online clases or with their parents help, but thinking that everyone can do it would be a mistake. Most families don´t have internet or computers and they can´t afford to get them, others have to share the same reduced space for reunions and classes, some kids may have problems at home, parents can´t always help and there are so many reasons why homeschooling in this situation is not the solution for everyone. Once again, money makes the difference and those who don´t have it are the most disatvantaged. Hopefully this situation will show us new ways to make education accessible for everyone.
    Personally, I miss real life classes and real people, it was easier for me to learn that way than virtually, but I apreciate the opportunity I have to keep studying.
    But still, I´m really looking forward to go back to school.
    Nina Furka 4° MA

  66. I’ve never been really into homeschooling, I find it interesting, but wouldn’t try it if I had kids. Education is much more than grades and homework, it’s learning how to build bonds, make friends, how to deal with team work, etc. In the daily life, I think many lessons and experiences are left behind when you choose homeschooling, but right now, with quarantine and school shutdowns, there's no option. Homeschooling has been the only way to continue the learning process of millions of children and teenagers. It isn’t the best, specially if we add the crisis ingredient, but it is what we have now. We have the privilege to have access to WiFi, a comfortable, personal space and a computer, sadly our situation isn’t the same as everyone’s, and that it’s something the authorities have to deal with. I appreciate the school’s effort to keep the classes, even if they aren’t perfect. Having responsibilities and regular interactions with my classmates and teachers has eally helped me to go through this whole situation in a better and less lonely way.
    Matilde Salinas 4ºMA

  67. I personally think that even if we don't like this kind of education we have to adaptate to the circumstances. I also have noticed that teachers don't really listen to our feedback and if they did it would be 100 times better. I don't like this kind of online meeting but it's hard to make it better.
    -Lukas Reinecke 1°MA


  68. I think homeschooling during the pandemic is a very difficult topic. Not only because it means that children are not seeing their classmates or socializing with anyone from outside their family, but also because it puts a lot of children in a vulnerable position. School is somehow an oasis from some kids, especially the ones with not functional families. They have food guarantied and they can be with their friends. In addition, lots of children in Chile don't even have a computer or access to Wi-Fi or parents who encourage and help them with school, which makes their situation even more difficult. I think for children like us, homeschooling is not that hard, but for other children it is nearly impossible.
    Fernanda Reyes, 3° medio B

  69. I personally don’t like online school because I haven’t learn as much as I did in “normal” classes and I think that online classes are really stressful and we are overload with all the homework.
    Agustina Jaramillo, 9th grade

  70. I think the "typical" homeschooling it´s different to the homeschooling that we are living through this pandemic. Because now we are more stressed, scared, not knowing what will happen in the near future, so it´s a lot to adapt to conditions, it is not our decision to have this type of class. Sadly, is the only way to teach us something, even though, noy everybody can learn well. Anyway, I prefer presential classes, with my classmates, because i think it´s better the feedback with the teacher and also my classmates, we can argue, compare results, etc. This apply to "typical" homeschooling and the "current" homeschooling.
    Felipe Muñoz, 3ro B
    PD: Sorry for the delay.

  71. I believe that the coronavirus currently causes many students of different levels to have to learn how to use the internet in a useful way.
    The coronavirus is a pandemic, which showed us that with patience and the desire to educate ourselves, we can use different ways to study. During these difficult times that we live worldwide, the best option is that we continue studying, but with the current schedules that we have, which have fewer hours of class per week, because if we continue to have the class schedules that we had before pandemic, we could have serious vision problems.
    Linda Bustamante, 1º B

  72. I think homeschooling can be a good replacement for school, considering we can't leave our houses and there isn't any other way we can learn, but I think it's not as efficient and I feel like I'm not learning as much as I did on presential classes because we interact a lot less with our teachers and classmates than we did in person. The fact that we are not used to working online and the stress or fear of the pandemic could also be a reason why some students are not learning as much because they can't really focus on the classes. The overload of homework also stresses me out because I would rather relax and spend time with my family or call my friends than having to stress more about school.
    Florencia Korn, 1° A

  73. As a student, im not enjoying anything about homeschooling because i feel that going to school is so much more than only learn a few subjects. Going to school is having a experience of personal growth everyday. In school we learn to confront real life by interacting whit people in different áreas like friendship, work, etc. Also, school form our values for being the best versión of us and teach us impotant leassons about confronting our problems and look for the best solution. I really miss going to school and is very lonley learning at home, and i belive that it is essential that all children and youth go to school because it teaches us to face life.

  74. In my opinion, homeschooling can't complete the social part that a student need. Like talking face to face, dealing with friends and other students and working as a team. Also, I find it very privileged system, a system that only works for people with economic resources. The socioeconomic differences make the difference in the quality your education will be. With that in mind, I can't enjoy even a little homeschooling.
    Javi Ruiz 4to Medio

  75. Personally, I do not like homeschooling because there is less interaction with our classmates, it is much more difficult than going to face-to-face classes since although we have fewer hours of classes, they force us to do a lot of work online. I also think this system is made for people with high economic resources, since they require some electronic devices (notebook, smartphone, camera). But even if we don't like it we have to accept it and adapt to this system.
    Emiliano Avilés 1°M B

  76. My opinion in homeschooling is that it has a lot of potential, but the application that it's been given in most places isn't a good one, because the most important thing for homeschooling to work well is planning, and because the pandemic almost everyone out of guard this wasn't possible. Homeschooling needs a lot of planning and also willpower from the student doing it to work, two things that because of the rush all that everything was set up, most of us don't have right now.
    Camilo Alarcón, 11th grade

  77. I don´t really like online classes because i don´t learn so much, but i couldn´t be capable to do the traditional homeschooling, in first place i wouldn´t understand, and i wouldn´t be able to ask sth to a classmate, because i wouldn´t have classmates.

    Felipe Lagos 1MB

  78. If I had to choose between homeschooling and going to school, I´d prefer to go to school. I know for a fact that I learn a lot more in a classroom than I do at home. It seems like the best option we have during a situation like this although it seems more difficult and less efficient. Organizing my time is the hardest part because sometimes there are Zoom calls, workshops, family time, chores and other times I have too much time on my hands.
    Lola Lynch 1ºMB

  79. In my opinion I think that homeschooling has been really exhausting since nobody knows how to make this work. Sometimes the school work is many and we wear out even more than in school but we are still helping the medical and health personnel. Still I think there is a lot of work to do to perfect this for everyone
    Galit Fuentealba 1°MA

  80. I really miss going to school, but I try to adjust to homeschooling. Actually, I don´t like online classes at all, it is much more difficult to contact the teacher about questions, it is more difficult to learn, among other things. But I also think that we are in times of crisis, and we have to face the virus in the best possible way.I´m talking about paying attention in virtual classes, doing homework and especially making an effort to continue learning.
    Maite Oyharcabal 1MA

  81. I think that homeschooling it's not that bad now that we have been in this situation for a little bit longer and we are learning how to continue with this system. I obviously prefer going to school, because I can see my classmates and it's easier to learn. I also think that the work that the teachers are sending us it's a lot and it's more difficult to do it because if we have a question it's harder to contact the teacher.
    Vale Muñoz 1MB

  82. I think homeschooling is very hard for me, because I cant pay that much attention as I do in face to face classes, I get distracted every single class, and I usually forget to do homework, and it is very hard when I have a doubt.
    Omara Ortega 9th grade.

  83. For me homeschooling has been really hard and stressful because i realize that i learn more efficiently when i'm in face to face classes than when i'm in online classes, because when i'm in online classes i get distracted easily and sometimes i forget to do homework.

    Laura Gómez 9th grade B


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