3M - "1920's life vs 2020's life"

Dear all,
In this section you will be sharing the contrast between that period of history and our period. 
Remember that in order to help you out with information about 1920's life, you have to watch this link:

The idea is that you combine and exercise everything you know about Past Tenses and Used to. 
Every comment with your text should be with your names, so I can identify you.

How homeownership has changed in Toronto | Purplebricks
(See how different Toronto was in 1920 and how it is today in 2020)

Take care and I'm looking forward to reading your texts!!
Miss Carla


  1. starting with one of biggest changes is when the first world war happened and the arrival of industrializacion offered women great opportunities to work, that didn't used to happen before.After this many things begin to change as the arrival of technological devices such as whashing machines, electric irons, among others, which allow women who didnt usd to have free time have the posibility of working.Things also changed for children, those who used to work in factories now were prohibited so they started going to school, also creating more jobs for women sice the work of teaching was credited to them as well as nursing.Well things are very different now since women doent have so many complications to study and then find work and children arent longer allowed to work and miss school.
    Ignacia silva 3MA

    1. Good job, Ignacia. It's a good piece of work you did here commenting the different changes that 1920's society went through.
      I would like you to pay attention to the following grammar comments:
      - "didn't used to happen" --> "didn't USE to happen" (Remember that when you have DID, the verb goes in "Infinitive")
      - "since women doent have" --> "since women DON'T have" (I think here there was a spelling issue)
      - "children arent longer allowed" --> "children ARE NO longer allowed" (When you use the expression "no longer", it is never with "not". Simply use "no").
      - "technological devices such as whashing machines" --> "technological devices such as WASHING machines" (Spelling issue here)

      Thanks for sharing your opinion here,
      Miss Carla

  2. In the 17th century, 95% of the US population used to live in rural areas. Nowadays, in the year 2020, most of the population lives in the city because there are more opportunities to get a job. When the US population realized that in the city were more job opportunities, they started to move to the city. Then in a few years, most of the population was living in the city. This process of people moving into urban areas is known as urbanization.
    Also, a very important thing has changed, the American family. Before 1920 the factory jobs used to be held by men, and the women used to stay at home, they were doing housework.But now, everything has changed. In 2020 most women work in the same jobs as men, but this advance took many years, and there were women who were killed for fight for this advance.
    While women's rights were making progress, mens were adopting violent attitudes, and now we are fighting to eradicate the violence to the women.
    Camila Marchant F.
    3º medio B

    1. Excellent text, Camila! You connected very well all the ideas and contrasted both periods well.
      I see no problems in grammar nor in spelling. Congratulations!!

      Miss Carla

  3. In the period of 1920 the world was very diferent. The cities had recently begans to grow up, and the rural zones were remplazed by urban zones. Womens recently had the posibility to work and study, the number of kids that they went to the school increased. The families in this period begans to get smaller, because the womens can´t work and take care of his childs at the same time. the teenagers spent less time with theirs families and they spent more time with friends. Nowadays, the cities are huges and women have more oportunities. The families are getting smallers and most kids have education.
    Lucas Bravo
    3º medio A

    1. Dear Lucas,
      I like your comments here, well connected ideas and you contrasted both periods very well. However, I would take a look at these grammar comments I have for you in order to improve your writing more:

      - "The cities had recently begans" --> "The cities had recently BEGUN" (Remember that when you use Past Perfect, the verb goes in "Past Participle")
      - "rural zones were remplazed" --> "rural zones were REPLACED" (spelling issue here)
      - "Womens recently had the posibility to work and study" --> "WOMEN recently had the POSSIBILITY to ..." (Careful with Women, it's already plural so no need to add an "S" to make it plural / In "possibility" you had a spelling issue)
      - "The families in this period begans" --> "The families in this period BEGAN" (Careful with adding those "S" to the verbs in past).
      - "the womens can´t work and take care of his childs at the same time" --> "the WOMEN COULDN'T work and take of THEIR CHILDREN at the same time" (Again the issue with "women" in plural. Also as you are talking in past, you should use "COULD" instead of "can"/ I would take a look at the Possessive Adjectives again and "Child" is an irregular noun, so when it is plural it is "CHILDREN".)
      - "the cities are huges" --> "the cities are HUGE" (Remember that in English the adjectives never go in plural form because the number is represented in the noun)

      If you need more help, let me know :)
      Miss Carla

  4. In the 20´s the life was very different. People were starting to move to the cities and a lot of people worked on the rural zones. Women's lives were much worse than now. They used to worked in factories and they had a little posibilities to study. The school wasn´t be obligatory for the kids and the childrens used to had to work. The families were very differents, the woman usually stay home for babysit. another thing that has changed a lot is electronic devices because at that time the first ones were invented.
    In these times everything is different, the majority of the population lives in cities, women have many more rights than before, all children have to go to school and finally, now everything is done through technology.
    Lucia Moreno

    1. Dear Lucía,
      Nice job here, you mentioned many things that were crucial to the development of our society and rights.
      Please take a look at these grammar comments and contact me if you need further help:

      - "They used to worked in factories" --> "They used to WORK in factories" (Remember that after the TO of "used to", the verb goes always in "Infinitive". This is a recurrent mistake)
      - "they had a little posibilities to study" --> "they had a FEW POSSIBILITIES to study" ("Possibilities" is countable, so we should use "A FEW" as a quantifier. And be careful with the spelling of the word "possibilities")
      - "The school wasn´t be obligatory" --> "The school WASN'T obligatory" (No need to add another "be")
      - "Childrens" --> "CHILDREN" (Careful with Children, it's already plural so no need to add an "S" to make it plural)
      - "The families were very differents" --> "The families were very DIFFERENT" (Remember that in English the adjectives never go in plural form because the number is represented in the noun).

      Despite the comments in grammar, you did an excellent work, Lucía. I really enjoyed the fact that you mention "women's right". I think that was an important change from that period with today's.

      Miss Carla

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The life in 1920 was very different like now. In 1920 people used to live in rural areas, but now almost all live in the city. An other difference is that certains jobs were only for men and for that reason women didn’t use to work. When te job became an important action who wasted a lot of time, the electronic machines appear and it was very innovator because in 1920 people didn’t use to use this devices. The children in 1920 had a different life, they could have a dangerous works in factories but now all the children have to go to school. Now, in the present women have many rights that in 1920 they didn’t use to have. In 2020 women can study, they can have a career, things that they didn’t use to do in the past. 2020 have many different with 1920 and we can see the changes, I hope that we still progressing for a better society.

  7. today women can do what ever they want, but anyways the world still have sexism. In the past women used to dedicate their lives teaking care of their childrens, cleaning or cooking for the family. They wasn't allowed to work, study or became professionals. While their husband was working in the factory they were cooking and cleaning. Nowadays is common that women are allowed to work and some of them are actually the boss of a factory or a business company, but just like in the past they are some people that think that women can't work and do the stuff that men do. Fortunately the world used to be more sexist, but the society must keep working for a long time about that until we can break with the stereotypes. I think that living in that time when women wasn't free was horrible and scary. Women were not being taken seriously and actually without us men can´t live, so i think that what happened in the past was absolutely ironic and egocentric. Women can do anything and they showed that after the world war by working and doing the things that they like, and surprisingly they were as good as men was, so we can´t look in less to women because they are so powerful.

  8. Living in the 1920’s was much different that nowadays, for obvious reasons, such as the progress of our society in various aspects, like the last feminist movement that we have seen these last few years, technology advances, urbanization, etcetera. In this context, we can compare these both societies. For example, in the 20’s the urban sprawl became a reality, so people that used to live in rural areas started to move to big cities. Nowadays, the population is concentrated mostly in the cities, where people have more opportunities comparing the ones that live isolated in rural areas. Another factor we can mention is the impact that World War 1 had in women, where they were the ones that had to work to provide their families, so the ones who used to be housewives begun to work in factories and companies. Near the 20’s, men returned claiming their jobs and so women that didn’t enjoyed being housewives as they loved working, claimed their right to work and also to enrole in college, and that allowed that currently women have the same opportunities to study and work, even when the conditions of these activities aren’t the same yet. The impact of this movement also made education a real part in a person’s life, so in 1926 4 million pupils attended to school and currently it is a right and there are even laws that obligates parents to educate their children. The last impact of this decade was the automobile, this invent is nowadays part of our daily life also, so we can conclude that the decade of the 1920’s made our current reality have all the exciting advances that we know.
    -Alonso Lira 3ro A, Group B

  9. In 1920 a lot of things were different, starting with the fact that people used to live in rural areas and not in the city. In this century they didn’t use to have a lot of technology so many things were different. An example of this is that people used to walk more because it wasn’t common that you had a car and if you had one probably you were rich.
    Also in this century was happening the second war and mens used to go to combat leaving their wifes and childrens. In this time women were seeing lower and weaks but how mens were in war women started to work to earn money and be able to pay everything they need, and this was a huge step for them to show the world that women were capable of doing the same things as mens.
    A lot of things change in 1920 to 2020 but we have things that still exist like discrimination, sexism, homophobia and many other things that we have to fight to change. People used to have fear to speak but now they don’t they fight for what they think is correct.
    Josefa Venegas 3MB

  10. first in 1920 50% of the country's population used to live in rural areas but now that changed because the work allowed more people to live in the city but there are still people who need oportunities. Also very few people used to have a car as they were very new by the time and only the rich had them but now many people have it.the most important fact that happened is that before 1920 women didn't use to work but now if they are allowed and gave them the opportunities they always deserved.In short, technology has allowed more people to have the same benefits and opportunities, but in reality, a lot of things have to be changed to make this world more just.
    Nicolás OLivera

  11. In the 1920 the population used to live in rural areas, but the population migrated into the city. People realized that in the city there were more job opportunities. Nowadays most of the population lives in the city so this phenomenon named “urbanization” occurred at the global level. Also, a kay element for the city that was expanding was the advent of the automobile because it made it easier for people to mobilize. Another big change was the American family because women used to stay at home and they were doing housework, but during World War 1 many women had gone to work and many of them continued working after the war was over. In 2020 It’s normal to see women working because fortunately thanks to feminism we have made a lot of progress on women rights and gender equality although we still have a long way to go.

    Elisa Dib
    3 Medio B

  12. Today's life is very different from what it was in 1920's. People did not use to have the comforts that exist now, and at that time they went through a period between wars, so women who used to be housewives were then going out to work. However, women generally worked in certain areas and were starting to study certain careers. Currently, a woman is free to choose the job or the studies she wants. Birth control was just starting in the 1920's, but now there are lots of medical tecnologies that ensure efficient birth control. Also, at that time, urbanization began, so the cities grew, nowadays urbanization is already consolidated. As we can see, the world has changed a lot in 100 years, these are only a few examples.
    Roberto Valiente 3ero Medio A


  13. In 1800 most people used to live in rural arias, in 1920 urbanization started, people were starting to live in cities and this lasts until today, now most women have a job, but before women had to stay at home, thins changed in the first world war because women were doing the previously mens job, while they were in the war. In 1920 began to be many technological changes, such as vaccines, washing machines, refrigetarors etc. Now the technology is very advanced, for example, before they didn’t use to be cell phones. Before it used to be normal that kids have jobs but now the children have to go to school, many things have changed.

  14. In the 20´s, life was very diferent as we know it today. In 1920 the population began to migrate to the city, leaving 50% of the population in rural areas, called this process as urbanization, and today most of the people live in the cities. During the first world war many women started to work in factories, then when the war ended many women continued working as filing clerks, typists, secretaires, someones even took jobs on the factory floor and this evolvd until today, where women have the same jobs as men. Something that that made it possible for women to start working was the use of electrical appliances. Today we have many types of electrical appliances, some very modern that help us saving us time. In the 20´s many kids used to work, but then, they started to study, increasing the number of the students in public schools. Now all children must to study by law.

    Colomba González 3MB.

  15. By 1920 the 15% of the population were living at rural areas, moving into the cities,before this the most people used to live in the rural zones.
    In 1920´ woman took factory works in effect of the first world war, before, they didn´t have the chance to work, this chance still available nowadays.
    At 20´ the Americans began to do a birth control, to have a lot of information in terms of population, and the schools also started to become more popular growing up from 1 million to 4 in 12 years, with that some woman could work on a professional way, in the sense to have a career.
    If I look this type of daily live, I can say “ we have changed a lot”.
    -Raimundo Solís

  16. One of the most important changes in 1920, was in the family, men used to be the only ones who worked. While the men were working, the women used to stay at home cleaning, cooking and taking care of the children. In the present, women have much more independence and freedom, now they work and live their life as they want but also there are many injustices and for this we continue fighting. This change started when the first world war ended and when the industrialization came with a lot of opportunities for women. Another change is that people used to live in rural areas and now most of the people live in the city because there are more job opportunities. This change began to appear when people realized that the jobs in the city were more than in rural areas.
    Valeria Olivera, 3ro medio B.

  17. In 1920, the life was quite different, for example, the American’s family. In the 20’, the factory jobs used to be in charge by men, and the women used to stay at home, they were doing housework. But now, everything has changed. In 2020 most women work in the same jobs as men, but they still do not have the same opportunities as men.
    Also, an important thing has changed, in 1920, 50% of the United States population used to live in rural areas. Instead in 2020, most of the population lives in the city because there is more connection and opportunities than you want to do.
    And one of the biggest different is that in the past the school was not obligatory for the children as it is now.
    Ignacia Borne-3ero medio A

  18. In 1920, only 50% of the country’s used to live in rural areas. And from there began the urbanization where people began to move from the countryside to the city and after a few years the majority of the people lived in cities. Nowadays most of the people live in cities since there are better opportunities to have a better life with a good job. Also, in 1920 factory workers used to be only men and women used to have to stay home doing housework’s, but nowadays that has changed thanks to a lot of effort mainly from the feminist struggle, most women have the possibilities of begin able to work on things that used to be for men.

    Javiera Castillo 3MA

  19. In the last hundred years, the society has changed a lot. In first place, the equity beetween mans and womens has impproved in a significant way. Also in the 1920, not every children used to be able to go to school, in the actuality almost every kid can at least have education, also the chidrens work used to be very popular, now it nearly doesn´t happen and it has educational purposes. In those times the people didn't use to be concentrated in cities, now almost every one lives in a city, they can be big or little cities but cities at the end, this are the most remarcable changes on the last hundred years.

  20. By 1920, 50% of the us population used to live in rural areas, but thanks to de urbanization, nowadays most of the people is currently living in the cities or in urban places. The population of the 1920s were in the early days of using the automobile as a mean of transportation. Before they used to walk everywhere they wanted to go, so this was a good sign of progress, but, if we compare it with the progress of the means of transportation nowadays, it could seem almost insignificant. In 1920, women were starting to get job opportunities, and they started attending college. Children opportunities were also opening up and lots of them started going to public schools instead of working. Remarkably by 1920, the number of high school students had grown to nearly four million. Today this is an everyday thing, both women and children have the right to education, they are free to choose a career and, after, to work.
    Rosario Gaete III°MA

  21. Now my family is different than after, because the time has past and people had to move on on the technologies because the world wasn't gonna stop. My grandmother is quite like the people showed on the video, but she used to think that technologies was an upgrade for the society. The cars are different, the life is different, but I don't think school is different, maybe the teachers are more relaxed with the students now, because after the schools were very stricts with the clothes the hair and the behave. I think the change in some aspects is fo better, but in my family the technologies affect us all every day, in special my mom, she don't like working by computer, she prefers to go directly to the office, this is about each one and how I think be myself.

    -Gabriel Valenzuela

  22. In the 20th century, the population that used to live in rural areas migrated to urban cities, causing a great change for society that continues to our days. Also, the urbanization created more job opportunities and new inventions like the cars, that revolutionized to the modern life. Today many changes are maintained, because the beginnings of the 20th century are the origins of modern life that most of the world leads today, and today in Chile, my family lives many consequences of that phenomenon that take place around the 1920 mostly in US but also in Europe.
    Lorenzo G


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